Monday, August 17, 2009

Too Glad To Be Sad!

I stole this idea from Tori..who stole it from Holly. Here are 10 things I am grateful for today:

1~The fact that each passing day is one day closer to my trip to Guatemala. I bought Willy a new book bag today and it was on sale!

2~New Christian friendships. God is opening new doors, and reopening old doors to some new friends. It's awesome to see prayers being answered before my very eyes. God works in the MOST mysterious ways.

3~The ability every day to walk, talk, see, and hear. How very blessed I am.

4~God's grace. I certainly do not deserve it! I lose my temper, get anxious, and snap pretty often. I am working on it, and it's only through God's strength that it will be accomplished. But I am so thankful for His never ending patience with me.

5~ $2 Starbucks brews. There are some days (like today) that I would not get through without it.

6~My new passion for life. The Lord truly did a work on my heart while in Guatemala. I came back refreshed and renewed. I was in a rut before I left, and now I have a new direction and it's such an amazing feeling!

7~I have lost 6 pounds! Yay! Running and my new diet are paying off and it feels wonderful.

8~My goddaughter that is on her way. Man is she going to be spoiled rotten!

9~Mom's good report from the doctor. Just a few more tests in a few weeks, but things are looking up!

10~Pool/movie day tomorrow with the kids. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...good idea holly! right???
cant wait for tomorrow! :)