Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year..New Things

I could not think of a better place to spend my New Years than right where I am. New Years Eve was pretty much like any other rountine day around here at Casa. It was a free day for the kids so we played outside-the weather was absolutely beautiful. It was in the high 70s and sunny. Can't ask for much better than that. We had Bible after dinner and Papi talked to the kids about what his goals for them are this year.

1-To be healthy physically. He encouraged them to run, eat healthy, and avoid drugs, alcohol and smoking. The last few things may not be a problem or temptation for them while they are living here at Casa but he talked about the importance of deciding NOW that they are things that the kids will avoid in the future.

2-Secondly he talked about preparing their heart. He encouraged them to closely watch their attitude in school, towards others, towards their dorm parents, etc. If your heart is right with God, all other things will fall into place including friendships, school, relationships with staff, finances, and even the relationship with their future wife/husband.

3-The last part Papi talked about was their testimony. He told them that he wants every single one of them to have their own testimony. He wants them growing in the Lord daily so that their walk can be visible to others and that their testimony can strengthen. He stressed that it is no one else's testimony but their own and it's their choice to make the most of it.

This entire sermon was in Spanish and I understood the entire thing except 2 sentences which Chus helped me out with. He kept whispering and asking if I understood and when I shook my head "Yes" he would just laugh. I think the boys are proud of me for working so hard on my Spanish while I was away. They have made mention that I have gotten better and that makes me feel so good. I really can understand a lot more this time around which is pretty exciting :)

After Bible we had candy, popcorn and a movie for all the kids. We watched The Blind Side. (They have bootleg versions of any movie you want...I saw Avatar at the market which has been out only 2 weeks!) The movie ended around 10 or so and Papi and Mami and some of their kids invited me up to the house for a late dinner. We had macaroni (Guatemalan style...spicy!) and some type of was good though! As we finished I began talk to Jonathan, one of the first kids that ever came to Casa. He really opened up to me and by the time it was done, we were both in tears. Once again I came to Guatemala in hopes to be a blessing to a child's life and they have blessed me more than I can describe. Jonathan is my age and is a remarkable man. I have so much admiration for him and am so thankful that the Lord used him to speak to me so clearly.

While we were talking we noticed it was way past 12:00. Oh well-Happy New Year! The boys bought me some daisies to put in my room which are beautiful and smell amazing. Such a sweet group of young men :)

More on New Year's Day later!


Kara Richardson said...

Hey Megan,
I can see you are having a WONDERFUL time. I have been praying for you. Please give Juana and all the kids a kiss for me.
I love you,

Unknown said...

Megan - I'm sure you have been blessed by this trip and the children. You have been a blessing to them for sure. I pray that you return home having heard from the Lord in a way you never have before. May He alone direct your paths. Your pictures are precious. I tried to comment on some of them but fb won't let me. Must be part of the block. These children will NEVER forget your tenderness, your touch, your witness. Love, mom